Whole latte fun at Penrith Supported Accommodation

Afford's Penrith Supported Accommodation

Thanks to a generous bequest, Afford’s Penrith Supported Accommodation sites have received new coffee machines and carpet cleaners. These new additions were a welcome surprise for the clients who take pride in their space. Everyone is looking forward to making hot beverages for their friends and family while showing off their beautiful home.

When you join an Afford Supported Accommodation home, you will make friends for life and discover your independence.

The Billabong, Rainbow, Dolphin Cove and Koala Corner Supported Accommodation sites all received new espresso coffee machines.

“We gifted our wonderful sites coffee machines purely to give them something they enjoy. At all houses, the clients enjoy having a coffee and socializing throughout the day. The new machine encourages them to learn a new skill and maintain their independence,” said Team Leader, Zahra Fakhrodin.

Even our residents who prefer something sweeter than coffee have been loving the new appliance. It has brought a refreshing change to their breakfast and afternoon routines.

“They can also make hot chocolates for the non-coffee lovers, which makes it even more exciting. Our staff encourage clients to have morning and afternoon tea together and this makes it even more fun to do so,” continued Zahra.

Billabong and Rainbow also received a new carpet shampooer to keep their site in tip-top shape.

“The new appliance will help keep the home environment clean. The clients and staff take pride in their site and enjoy working together each day to maintain it,” said Zahra.

We are thankful to the selfless individuals in our community who leave bequests to Afford. Their contribution brings joy and excitement to the everyday lives of our clients.

Supported Accommodationย at Afford is about so much more than bricks and mortar. It is about supporting residents to enjoy the fantasticย Afford Lifestyle.