Supporting people with complex needs
The My Pathway group of services is the ‘front door’ to Achieve Australia.
Members of the My Pathway team support people with disability, families and guardians – from their first contact with the organisation, through the journey of identifying and then connecting with the supports and services required, and ultimately achieving wellbeing.
The team excels in helping people with disability to navigate the NDIS, then obtain accommodation and supports appropriate for their individual needs. This includes supporting people with complex needs.
The stories of Ian and John are good examples of how My Pathway works.
Ian’s story
Ian has mild intellectual disability and schizophrenia. He spent six years in a locked hospital ward for patients with mental illness.
A behaviour support specialist from Achieve has worked one-on-one with Ian for the past three years. She has regularly visited him in hospital and has been aware of his difficult situation.
An opportunity to provide better support for Ian came when with the NSW Government transferred a new, purpose-built community home to Achieve Australia.
A cross-functional team of Achieve experts worked with the hospital and the NDIS to secure funding, ensure continuity of medical care, and enable a safe and seamless transition to Ian’s new home.
Ian continues to receive medication and other forms of support for his schizophrenia but is now in an environment that encourages him to grow and flourish.
He has a room of his own, personalised to reflect his own tastes and interests. He has access to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea whenever he wishes. He is also able to participate in Achieve’s Day Programs – providing opportunities to socialise, explore new interests, and participate more fully in the community.
After six years in a locked ward, Ian now has more freedom to be himself – while enjoying the safety and support of a real home.
John’s story
John was a designer in his 30s when he acquired an brain injury from medical complications following routine surgery.
As a result, John was left with mobility issues, requires feeding via a tube inserted into his stomach, has lost the ability to communicate clearly and has a variety of phobias, making personal care difficult.
John and his wife found it difficult to obtain suitable services and supports outside of a hospital following his rehabilitation. A temporary solution was found but this was not conducive to establishing full quality of life.
At the end of 2017, John’s service coordinator brought his situation to the attention of Achieve Australia. At the time, Achieve did not have a vacancy in a community home suitable for someone with his complex medical needs. However, early in 2018, the NSW Government transferred to Achieve a newly-built house designed specifically for people with complex needs.
A cross-functional team of Achieve experts was formed to plan and manage John’s transfer out of hospital.
He is now living in his new home with 24/7 support. A spare room is kept available so his wife can visit and stay over.
Since moving, John’s quality of life has steadily improved. He has made great progress on overcoming his phobias and is enjoying a marked improvement in his overall wellbeing.
John’s mobility is also slowly improving. Although he continues to face many challenges, he now enjoys quality of life and has opportunities that were not possible in hospital.
Talk to Achieve Australia’s My Pathway team about the NDIS and finding the disability supports and services you need.
Telephone My Pathway: 1300 22 44 38
Email: [email protected]
Come and see what we can offer you at the Nepean Disability Expo on Friday and Saturday, September 14 and 15 at Penrith Panthers’ Exhibition Marquee. Register HERE to attend this FREE event hosted by 4community, the social impact advisory that advances the impact of other organisations and increasing access to the right products and services for people with disability.